Log #1: Engine was stone cold, Log #2: Engine was a bit warmed up. Log #3: Engine was hot. I notice the LTFT stays below -10% while idling and I wonder if this is normal/intentional.
The second cold start failed completely. I started logging before turning the engine on just in case and surprisingly the engine died almost immediately after starting. I turned it off, restarted, but the engine died again immediately. DME shadow code 2BDE (Fuel high pressure during fuel injection release: Pressure too low) was logged. I had this code when my HPFP was going out but it never came back after I replaced my HPFP a year ago. I needed my car working so I flashed back to Twisted Tuning v0.08 map and the engine completed cold start sequence successfully but it stalled while backing out of my garage (It once did a year ago while backing out, just before replacing my HPFP. I also had an intake with MAF scaling issue). Anyways, after stalling, I restarted the engine and it ran normally. No issues afterwards. I didn't reset any adaptations this time. Maybe I shouldn't have reset any of them in the first place.
During the first cold start (next day after flashing), my engine stalled. It started fine, rpm went up as usual and tried to settle down as usual but suddenly the engine started shaking like crazy, (I quickly started logging at this point), the engine struggled to keep the rpm steady and eventually stalled. I restarted (second log), idling started getting smoother. After a while I shut off, restarted and logged again (3rd log), the rpm eventually settled to the usual 700rpm. Never enabled cold start noise reduction or startup roar. I noticed LTFT stays around -10% when idling. I forgot mentioning in my previous email but the pump gas here contains zero ethanol. I heard they use MTBE instead.
97 RON pump gas + ethanol/water mix (70:30 by weight) injected. [EDIT 3/4/2020] Maybe not a fair comparison to other logs because I went WOT at above 3100rpm.
Ran on 97 RON pump gas only. No Ethanol/Water injected. Hardware change: PR coils -> OEM Eldor coils, NGK 95770 plug @0.022" -> NGK 97506 plug @0.022". Changed engine oil Motul 8100 X-CLEAN+ 5W-30 -> Motul 300v 5w-30.