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Added September 10, 2022 by Schwarz_e92
3 more logs with higher boost 3rd log, the car didnt like it. Misfired cylinder 5 and shut the cylinder off. This happened the other day as well in 4th gear tested 2nd walbro 450 and it is indeed coming on looks like car didnt like the 3-4th shift in the second log. traction was turned off and it spun a little on shift and didnt want to go into fourth gear.
  • e85
3 more logs with higher boost 3rd log, the car didnt like it. Misfired cylinder 5 and shut the cylinder off. This happened the other day as well in 4th gear tested 2nd walbro 450 and it is indeed coming on looks like car didnt like the 3-4th shift in the second log. traction was turned off and it spun a little on shift and didnt want to go into fourth gear.
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