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Added August 01, 2024 by Adamjg
Inconsistant boost and wgds above 5k just got the jb4 set to hybrids prepareing to try to kill the atock turbos. Have not seen actual consistent 18 psi yet, adaptions maxed at 150 and gain of 40, little dip below 5k, maxed curve. Fuel trims have drifted much wider (i.e 3-47), running a custom enriched BEF. Runs great, no codes in months. Check my other public logs. Sticking solenoid or what?
  • 93 Octane
Inconsistant boost and wgds above 5k just got the jb4 set to hybrids prepareing to try to kill the atock turbos. Have not seen actual consistent 18 psi yet, adaptions maxed at 150 and gain of 40, little dip below 5k, maxed curve. Fuel trims have drifted much wider (i.e 3-47), running a custom enriched BEF. Runs great, no codes in months. Check my other public logs. Sticking solenoid or what?
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