Less boost, more duty cycle on HPfP. Rail pressure is not dropping near as bad and holding well through the pull. After installing a new fuel rail and HPFP.
New fuel rail, new HPFP, car ran out great. Intermittently bank 1 o2 sensor had a line fault. Felt a very slight hesitation in the second log. First log the car pulled hard to redline.
540i runs Jan 11
50% duty
Two logs daily driver and WOT
Basemap pull
Don't know how the flames are since daytime
First e30 logs (2)
Stg2+v2 e30, 92 @ 7% tulalip, e85 @ 87% lakewood, 4.3 gal e85 from e07, ic, dp, new stock coils, 97506 .022, stock lpfp/hpfp
45f, 30.5 inhg
1) flats to Marysville 4th
2) flats to marysville 3rd
3) hwy2 from trestle uphill 3rd
First E30 logs
Stg2+v2 e30, 92 @ 7% tulalip, e85 @ 87% lakewood, 4.3 gal e85 from e07, ic, dp, new stock coils, 97506 .022, stock lpfp/hpfp
45f, 30.5 inhg
1) trestle to lake 4th
2) hwy2 from lake uphill 4th
3) loop downhill 4th