93 Octane
Soft Pull
Latest Map with vacuum canisters
Could have a dry rotted vacuum line, Let me know if you see issues still if so I’ll run without the cans. Also any reason why my manual/sport mode is constantly in an out. I’ve checked the wires that usually get tight and brake on the shifter itself it’s all intact no issues there I am running M-steering wheel without paddles. I went back to old wheel and paddles with no luck. It’s super annoying.
Cadmus rev1.3 fixed o2
N54 single turbo V4
first basely sumo
3+4rd gear pull. Datalog10 is cruising
MHD Stage 1 - 11/20/24
these are runs done in manual, dsc off, 4th gear at 2000 RPM, full throttle then shifting into 5th at 7000 (or as close as i could get to it). Hope these are good logs.
Wastegate Vacuum Hose Plugged In
Flashed back to stage 0
Flashed back to V1
Wastegate Actuator Tested & Working
Wastegate Closes at 6inhg
Boost Solenoid Bench Tested & Working
Boost Solenoid Properly Plumbed
(Vacuum intake rear, vacuum supply front)