Car feels smooth and does feel more responsive. Seems like around 3k - 3,500k rpm’s seems to be where you hit full boost.
I can feel like a power increase after 4k rpm’s. Also when I’m cruising I get a 30ff. It only happened twice so far, I have no boost leaks and my vacuum lines look good as well.
Due to the roads being very bumpy it made the logs look very different. Here’s another logs on smooth roads.
Car pulls stronger, and the power increase is smoother when you past 4k rpm’s but it’s still noticeable. The low end responds better as well.
Car is pulling smoothly. I noticed a power increase after 4k, I figured it’s tuned like that on purpose to save my engine. I feel that the throttle response is a little lethargic below 4k as well. Sometimes I’ll misfire but I’m still waiting on my B58 coil conversion kit to fix that issue.