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Added November 24, 2024 by ethan wilson
Car pulls and runs great. it feels a lot faster ! I would like to know if I should leave my shift point on or off on XHP and if so what should i set them to. Also can you keep turning up the boost or turning it up in general? Probably should have mentioned i am running kind of a dump set up the downpipe is just disconnected from the exhaust right now just letting you know. But yes i would like to crank it up a lil more if we can Let me know if need to do another log for a better revision cuz I noticed i didn’t hit 7k rpm on the 5th gear. Thank you!
  • e30
Car pulls and runs great. it feels a lot faster ! I would like to know if I should leave my shift point on or off on XHP and if so what should i set them to. Also can you keep turning up the boost or turning it up in general? Probably should have mentioned i am running kind of a dump set up the downpipe is just disconnected from the exhaust right now just letting you know. But yes i would like to crank it up a lil more if we can Let me know if need to do another log for a better revision cuz I noticed i didn’t hit 7k rpm on the 5th gear. Thank you!
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