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Added August 21, 2015 by chromey
ok a few pulls at night . AEM set to come on at 4psi and full boost 16psi. First felt like timing but second pull felt very strong and when shifting into 4th the car was flying. 50/50 blend
  • 94 Octane
ok a few pulls at night . AEM set to come on at 4psi and full boost 16psi. First felt like timing but second pull felt very strong and when shifting into 4th the car was flying. 50/50 blend
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Submitted by chromey on Fri, 08/21/2015 - 01:11

Im thinking pull 5 was no timing because the DME was used to the map. perhaps i didnt drive enough on the first two pulls. although I had to brake on datalog5 it felt stronger than the rest by alot.