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Added February 23, 2016 by chromey
Ok did two pulls in log 19 and one in 20.. Feels like timing corrections like I havent thought i had before. this is with Cheveron 91 which on the pump states may contain up to 10% ethonol.. Meth spray from 4psi t0 14-15psi . AEM apparently gradually sprays, Night time car said 8-9 Deg out (Temp) Also Tranny still feels like 2nd to 3rd shift is slow. How Can I be pulling timing if I am ? With Meth spray and etc... I thought Meth uped Octane...
  • 91 Octane
Ok did two pulls in log 19 and one in 20.. Feels like timing corrections like I havent thought i had before. this is with Cheveron 91 which on the pump states may contain up to 10% ethonol.. Meth spray from 4psi t0 14-15psi . AEM apparently gradually sprays, Night time car said 8-9 Deg out (Temp) Also Tranny still feels like 2nd to 3rd shift is slow. How Can I be pulling timing if I am ? With Meth spray and etc... I thought Meth uped Octane...
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