Meth spraying...
Solid 3rd ger pulls... have more coming as i was in Cowichan lake and there was some great flat streteches to air the car out.... Spraying Meth , Although i noticed on these pull the meth light was coming off and back on during WOT.. I think I had it sprayingh 12-17 psi so at 17.23psi meth stopped , pulls coming had it 10-19psi ....
3rd gear pulls no meth . cheveron 91 plus royal purple octane booster
ok I dont think my meth is spraying , the light is not glowing so i feel like no spray.. not sure whats happening.. here is something though . these 3 pulls all felt like timing hesitation and it felt like garbage but then on the way in town from the highway the car felt great.. flooring it every where and it felt quick and responsive. even low 3rd gear pulls seem to have no hesitation although i was in town so couldnt get a new log. Could it be that the car after many pulls adjusted. i have been driving this new map for over a week....? Have to figure out my meth system.. Pic of my AEM settinbg for these pulls although like i said no spray...