Chinese RON 98 DSC=off, Weather at the time of logging: Day, clear 27C / 81F indicated in cluster 26C / 79F indicated on weather app 41% rH humidity on weather app 1015mb pressure on weather app almost no wind not far from sea-level. Datalog File: 2019-11-23 15_06_28 INA0S BQ92GCL INA0S Z4EUDCT v32.mhd_.csv 2019-11-23 15_05_13 INA0S BQ92GCL INA0S Z4EUDCT v32.mhd_.csv 2019-11-23 15_03_58 INA0S BQ92GCL INA0S Z4EUDCT v32.mhd_.csv