V12FOGR90% 1 5thgearDTC WOT pull
Something strange happening after WOT shift. Seems to go super lean and his a bit of a wall until I let off and start cruising again
V9 after swapping to straight pipe exhaust
Just uploading these for record keeping. Was actually before the v11 flash but after swapping to the straight pipe to confim it wouldn't be too much difference.
V11fogrM4 5thgearDTC WOT
Switched to straight pipe exhaust
E50 V9 Fogr 90% - Two street 5th gear DTC WOT to Redline
V9 street pulls Fog'r2000 map4 90%. All 4 o2 sensors replaced and boost leak fixed. Kyle tested up to 36psi.
November 19th log revision 3
Log 1700376985
Multi gear rev 2.1
2nd gear 40 roll