Run 4 et 5
Stage 3 lpfp
Topped off, E content might’ve been higher than 52 but besides start up hickup drives fine under load
V1.26 FF e50
V11 Fog'r 500/940 87% - 5th Gear DTC
Still with 500cc in bank 1, 940cc in bank two but Fog'r turned down to 87%. Funny enough rail pressure improved with less fuel. I was able to complete a full pull but it did have some timing corrections and throttle closure.
V11 Fog'r 500/940 93% - 5th Gear DTC WOT
Swapped the 340cc out of bank 1 with a 500cc and turned the fuel down to a 93% map. Car didn't seem to like ti and was too rich. Next log is turned down more.
Possible clutch slip
Something is wrong when I get the gas at lower RPM. Feels like the clutch slipping
V11 Fog'r 340/940 99% - 5th Gear DTC WOT
Same injectors, increased Fog'r from 87% to 99% as part of the increased boost of v11
V9 Fog'r 340/940 87% - 5th Gear DTC WOT
Same injectors, increased Fog'r from 70% to 87% as part of the flash from v8.1 to v9 higher boost.