Version 0.5 E50 map log
1.4 40 roll
Shoup Log Rev 4.0+ 3 data logs 4th gear pulls 2500 to 6500rpms
Bb3.4 V1.4 4th gear and anti lag log
Weird top end cut out
BB3.4 V1.4 Logs
Top end misfire super knock injector code
V11 Fog'r 500/940 79% - 5th Gear DTC WOT
Two v11 Tests after swapping back to index 8's in bank 2. I think I left the fogr at 79%.
V9 Fog'r 500/940 79% - 5th Gear DTC WOT
V9 test after swapping bank 2 injectors back to index 8. I think fogr was at 79%.
V8.1 Fog'r 500/940 70% - Three 5th Gear DTC WOT
Three V8.1 Logs after replacing the bank 2 injectors with my stock index 8's. Can't remember exactly what fogr setting. The car runs again but is not perfectly at idle.